
Harvard Business Review: “Migraines Are a Serious Problem. Employers Can Help.”


An excerpt from Harvard Business Review ,“Migraines Are a Serious Problem. Employers Can Help.”

“Research has shown that migraine — a chronic condition that causes debilitating headaches accompanied by difficulty thinking, changes in vision, nausea, light sensitivity, and other symptoms — affects more than a billion people around the world.

Migraine is ubiquitous and highly disabling, making it a serious issue in terms of both human suffering and employee productivity.

To begin to address this, the author conducted a comprehensive review of the literature and identified three strategies that have been shown to be effective for organizations looking to better support their employees and maximize productivity.

These strategies include

  • – raising awareness through education programs,
  • – providing employees with tools for migraine management, and
  • – making changes to the working environment that expand access to existing health resources and reduce migraine attack triggers.”

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