Tag : Outside link

Understanding Bipolar Disorder and Migraine

An excerpt from Psych Central, Understanding Bipolar Disorder and Migraine, written by Hope Gillette and medically reviewed by Marc S Lener, MD. Does bipolar disorder cause migraine? There’s no evidence that suggests bipolar disorder causes migraine, but the two conditions are commonly seen together. Having both conditions often makes episodes of both more frequent. Migraine tends to develop after the onset of bipolar disorder. As many as 29% of people living with bipolar disorder have…

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How Migraine Impacts Men

An excerpt from Thrive Global, How Migraine Impacts Men: Migraine is often stereotyped as a “disorder for women.”, written by Elizabeth Burstein. "Migraine is three times more prevalent in women than in men and one of the leading causes of disability in women. For this reason, some people can be skeptical when a man complains of migraine, and studies show men are less likely to be diagnosed with this disease than women are.…

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Managing Migraine in the Workplace: Podcast

An excerpt from the podcast Spotlight on Migraine hosted by the Association of Migraine Disorders, Managing Migraine in the Workplace,  with guest Paula Dumas. "So for every 1,000 employees, migraine in the workforce costs about $84,000 in excess healthcare treatments and lost work time. Most of that is actually in presenteeism. But what’s really cool to look at is to take this in any organization, and if you work for an…

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Migraines Can Affect Ability to Work, Study Results Show

An excerpt from Pharmacy Times, Migraines Can Affect Ability to Work, Study Results Show,  written by Ashley Gallagher. "Based on the study, investigators made 3 recommendations for individuals with migraines or tension headaches: - Employees and managers should discuss the possibility of adapting work during headache or migraine attacks to reduce absenteeism. This includes performing tasks that less cognitively, emotionally, and physically demanding or working in a room with less…

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Time: 5 Ways to Cope With Migraines at Work

An excerpt from Time, 5 Ways to Cope with Migraines at Work,  written by Alejandro de la Garza. How to avoid migraines at work More important than treating migraines once they come on is avoiding episodes to begin with, says Diamond. That means taking steps to adjust your work routine and office environment as much as possible in order to mitigate the specific factors that prompt episodes. [...] Some people who experience migraines…

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Migraine at Work: Working 9 to 5 — Or Maybe Not!

An excerpt from National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, Migraine at Work: Working 9 to 5- Or Maybe Not!,  written by Mary Franklin. Tips for Discussing Migraine at Work Before beginning the discussion with your immediate supervisor, or preferably with the human resources department, be prepared. More than 40 million individuals in the United States experience migraine disease, so there is a good chance that the person with whom you are conversing, knows…

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