Stigma & Hesitation in Migraine Care
Examine how stigma and hesitating to consult a professional are making the cost of migraine in the workplace much greater.
Expert Guest: Dr. Robert Shapiro, MD, MA, PhD, Professor of Neurology at University of Vermont and Founding President of Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy
Examine how stigma and hesitating to consult a professional are making the cost of migraine in the workplace much greater.
Questions Answered in this Webcast:
- – Is migraine at work an issue people even need to think about?
- – If migraine has such a huge impact, how come no one talks about it?
- – How many people hesitate to consult a doctor for their migraine condition?
- – What is a headache specialist, and how may they treat migraine differently than a general practitioner or even a neurologist?
- – If someone either chooses not to use, or does not have access to, medications, are there any other options for managing migraine?