Accommodations Make a Difference
Accommodations for migraine in the workplace are effective, cost-efficient, and easy to incorporate. Uncover the most practical tools for migraine prevention within your workplace.
Expert Guest: Paula Dumas, President and Co-Founder of the World Health Education Foundation
Accommodations for migraine in the workplace are effective, cost-efficient, and easy to incorporate. Uncover the most practical tools for migraine prevention within your workplace.
Questions Answered in this Webcast:
- – What is the SAFER Plan to Migraine Accommodations in the Workplace, which you have coined?
- – What motivated you to become involved with the Migraine at Work program?
- – What advice do you have for those living and working with migraine today?
- – What advice do you have for employers?
- – Why is it important for workplaces to integrate migraine into their wellness programs?