
Taking the First Step: How to Make Your Workplace Migraine-Friendly

As employers, it’s important to create safe and accommodating work environments for employees. Often, employees who suffer from migraine disease do so in silence, fearing misconceptions about how the disease affects their productivity.

Despite the disease’s prevalence, most corporate executives have no idea that one in four women suffer from migraine, or that 85% of people with migraine disease are women. Unfortunately, due to the lack of education about the disease, employers may not adequately support their employees with migraine. This lack of support can have harmful, unintended consequences, including lost employee productivity and increased stress among women in the workplace.

Below is list of some simple workplace improvements that you can implement today to support your employees. As a next step, we hope you’ll consider taking our Workplace Self-Assessment and learn more about how you can help support your employees unlock their full potential.

5 Easy Steps to Create a Migraine-Friendly Workplace

  1. Limit noise levels and provide adjustable lighting (cubicle shades are a popular alternative)
  2. Install anti-glare filters on computer screens
  3. Promote a fragrant-free environment (limiting scents and odors)
  4. Set aside a dark, quiet space for employees to use should they experience a migraine attack
  5. Consider a flexible schedule for employees suffering from migraine disease

The Migraine at Work campaign hopes employers understand that migraine disease, just like other chronic illnesses, does not impact all sufferers in the same manner. Not all migraine sufferers have the same triggers and some may need additional accommodations to ensure they have a safe and migraine-friendly space.